Thursday, July 3, 2014

Here I Am!!! February 23, 2012

I needed another blog to get a few things off my chest. This one is anonymous, my other is not. I need to be able to say what I want and how I feel without any repercussions from friends and family. But that’s not all this will be. It’s just for me to express myself, anonymously. I got the name “I’m still baking” from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In the episode, she’s explaining to Angel, her true love, that she is cookie dough baking in the oven. Her ingredients are mixed and in the oven, they’re baking, but not cooked yet. That’s who she is as a woman. She’s not ready to settle down and be in a relationship and be normal. She will someday, but not today. That’s how I feel. But my problem is, I am 35 years old. I should be almost finished baking. But I’m not. My ingredients are on the table, not mixed. They’re just sitting there, getting old and wasting away. That describes my life.

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