Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Miss Fox...Time to Come Out and Plaaay!!!

Alicia Fox

Foxy!!! This girl is so gorgeous! When she first came on the scene (she's another model-turned-wrestler), she reminded me a bit Stacy Keibler, a beautiful girl with long legs and a killer smile, who just couldn't wrestle at alll. Except Alicia became a much better wrestler than Stacy ever was. Seriously, Alicia and Natalya put on the best matches against each other when they perform on WWE shows that are not RAW or Smackdown! Why they have her as basically a jobber is beyond me. They use her to put other divas over, constantly. STOP THAT! Alicia is super talented, and deserves to be at the top of the diva roster. 

But here's the real problem with Alicia: you never know if she is a face or a heel.  One show she is face, the next show she is a heel. Her character is flip flopped constantly. Which is a shame, because she can actually wrestle. She has put on some solid matches in NXT.

What I have noticed, while watching WWE tv, is this: they use her for their charity events. I always see she, Layla, and Stephanie at these charity events that the company is a part of.

I get the feeling the company doesn't have much faith in her ability to make money for them. Let's face it, she is black and does not have the racial make-up that the WWE's core audience (white men) like to see, men who prefer seeing a Torrie Wilson/Kelly Kelley type girl (basically white blonde women) fight. More often than not, black female wrestlers are portrayed as heels, which sucks because she's better than most of the divas on the roster and could make a great face. Might I also add, as long as she has been with WWE, she has only held the title once, for a very short period of time (two to three months).

Her wrestling gear suits her, mostly. She wears different fox hood shawls, as seen in the very first picture. But she takes it off to wrestle in, which makes her outfits the same as most of the other divas. She definitely needs new gear to fit whatever gimmick she has.

Alicia is one of the divas who needs to be put with a tag team, as their manager, just so she can get some airtime. Hopefully it would lead to a feud with another manager, which would place them in singles matches, which could lead her to another championship title in the near future. Place her with Prime Time Players, because their hijinks would be funny. Make her their mean, manipulative, sassy manager while they run around getting into trouble. Make her mean, make her nice, but make her something. Anything, please!!! It could be fun.

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